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Flowers Become Hosts Of Bee Parasites

Researchers from Leeds University have discovered that parasites from diseased bees have the ability to jump hosts and spread during flower pollination. New research led by award winning scientist Dr Peter Graystock at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with Professor William Hughes and Professor Dave Goulson of the University of Sussex, shows that diseased bees deposit parasites on to the flowers they visit. These parasites can then infect healthy bees visiting the same flowers, or be transported by an unsusceptible bee species to other flowers to reach their host species.

The experiment consisted of bumblebees from hives containing three separate bumblebee diseases foraging within set parameters of an indoor flight cage to ensure no outside factors would affect the study’s accuracy. The infected bees were released for a period of three hours before being removed from the cage so that the disease free honey bees could then forage, this time the honey bees were introduced to an uninfected patch in addition to the infected flowers and immediately afterwards all three patches were tested with horrifying results.

All three types of parasites had spread to the shared flower patches and 2 of three parasites were also detected on the uninfected patch that only the honey bees had access to. The parasites had also managed to make their way into the honey bee colony in order to jump onto more hosts showing how easily bees can be infected and raising huge concerns on the importation of diseased bees from abroad. This research, which was part-funded by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, highlights the potential risks involved in the release of bees from commercially reared bumblebee nests, of which the UK currently imports roughly 65,000 of each year.

The upshot of this is that a range of parasites in diseased bee populations, such as infectious imported bees, may spread to wild bee populations that forage on the same flowers. On a wider level, flowers as parasite hotspots suggests that areas where there is a lot of pollinator traffic per flower, for example areas with low flower density, may have high parasite dispersal between pollinators compared to areas with low pollinator traffic per flower, such as flower rich areas. Dr Graystock, University of California

The experiment was repeated using honeybees from hives infected with two honeybee diseases and disease-free bumblebees and yielded similarly worrying results indicating that both species can infect each other rather than a host species threatening the other as previously thought. Both parasites were found on the shared flowers, as well as on the flowers which only bumblebees had access to, and one of the two parasites was detected inside the bumblebee colony.
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The study also compared how two different flower types aid the dispersal of bee parasites, and found that bell shaped Fairy’ thimble flowers contained higher parasite loads than more open Pansy flowers. This is likely because the bees spend more time in contact with bell-shaped flowers than they do with more easily accessible open flowers due to the need to reach further inside the flower. This bell design is an advantage to the flower as it means its insect pollinator brushes more pollen against itself leaving a higher chance of cross pollination over more flowers than open flowers.

These results suggest that flowers play an important role in the transmission of diseases between bees.


We are very pleased to be working with Dr Graystock and his collaborators on this area of work. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is very concerned about the spread of disease from imported bumblebees, which are used to pollinate soft fruit grown commercially in greenhouses across much of the south of England. These new findings show how easily parasites can spread, and highlights to us the importance of making sure all imported bumblebees are properly screened to ensure they are disease and parasite free. At the moment screening imported bumblebees for diseases and parasites is not properly regulated. This is something we would like to see changed.



