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Traditional Medicinal Plant Yields Cancer Shrinking Substance

Laboratory experiments show that the substance damsin in the plant Ambrosia arborescens inhibits the growth and spread of cancer stem cells. The similar substance, chemically produced by chemistry, has the same positive effect, according to researchers in Lund and La Paz.

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The plant Ambrosia arborescens grow wild in much of South America and is traditionally used as a medicinal plant. Researchers at the Faculty of Science at Lund University, in collaboration with colleagues in La Paz, Bolivia, have isolated the substance damsin from the plant and studied its effect on cancer stem cells in three different breast cancer cell lines. They have also done similar studies with ambrosin, a so-called analog, that is, a substance similar to damsin, but produced by chemical means. The results show that both have an effect on cancer stem cells.

– Both the natural substance and the chemically produced substance inhibit the growth and spread of cancer stem cells in breast cancer cell lines. This is the first time the research is successful, “says Stina Oredsson , professor at the Biological Department, Lund University.

Already at low concentration, both substances inhibit the division and mobility of the cancer cells. This means that the tumor becomes smaller and cell proliferation decreases. In the study, researchers show that the actual number of cancer stem cells decreases.

Stina Oredsson emphasizes that it is basic research and that the results are based on experiments made on cell cultures in the laboratory. At the same time, she believes that the results are a breakthrough in cancer research as it may be the first step towards effective treatment of cancer stem cells, that is, those cells believed to cause metastases.

– Different cancer cells have different ability to survive cellular diseases. Cancer stem cells appear to have an inherent resistance to the drug used today, one can call them the most dangerous cancer cells. Our results can contribute to the development of new drugs against cancer stem cells, but unfortunately it takes a long time from basic research to finished medicine, “says Stina Oredsson.

She and her colleagues continue to study damsin and ambrosin, while they have developed more analogues. Unpublished results show that even these have very good inhibitory effects on cancer stem cells.

The cooperation project between Lund University and University Major of San Andrés in La Paz is funded by the International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. The research results have recently been published in an article in the magazine Plos One .



