Category: Plants & Medicine
Another Treasure Found In Traditional Herbal Medicine
Some centuries-old organic remedies — specifically white tea, witch hazel and rose — have scientifically supportable qualities that are beneficial to health and skin appearance, according to a collaborative study
Common Flower Inspires Innovative Cancer Drug Therapy
Researchers are poised to start clinical trials with a new “smart bomb” treatment, derived from the flower, targeted specifically at tumours.
Your Future Blood Transfusion Could Start With A Grain Of Rice
The rice-derived protein was shown to be functionally equivalent to the version found in human blood plasma. Not only were the two chemically and physically identical, but they were also similar when tested for medical efficacy and immune reactivity.
Black Pepper Curbs Dengue fever
A trap that uses an extract from black pepper to kill mosquito eggs and larvae has dramatically cut rates of dengue fever
Plants Would Make The Best Pharmaceutical Factories
Plants are particularly suitable for producing complex active substances. The reason is that these substances can be produced inexpensively and on a large scale in plants
World’s Farmers Feel The Effects Of A Hotter Planet
The study, published online by Science magazine, shows that these crops have declined about 5 percent over what they would have been in the absence of warming. That sounds small, until you consider that globally, these crops are worth about $1 trillion a year. Five percent of $1 trillion is $50 billion,
Can the Common Sweetgum Fight Avian Flu?
One of the most common trees in North America provides ingredient for Tamiflu
Sundew’s Nanoparticles Used For Treatment Of Wounds
A Sundew adhesive inspired biomaterial can be proposed for a wide range of biomedical applications. In addition to tissue engineering, it may be used for biological treatment of wounds, regenerative medicine, or helping enhance synthetic adhesives.
Plants Save Our Lives Just By Being Around Us
The scientists found that being among plants produced “lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, and lower blood pressure,” among other things.
Using Carnivorous Plants To Stop Malaria
The idea is to create a bush where, instead of having an ideal breeding ground, the plants will kill the mosquitoes.