Category: Ecosystems
What Happens When You Mess With Symbiotic Pollination Relationships?
With as many as 70% of plant species dependent on animal pollinators and at least 82 mammalian pollinator species and 103 bird pollinator species considered threatened or extinct, this is sobering news.
Healthy Mangroves Protect Human Communities
Places that had healthy coral reefs and intact mangroves, which act as natural buffers, were less badly hit by the tsunami.
Flowers Welcome Fishy Neighbors
Fish and flowering plants would seem to have as much in common as pigs and beauty soap. But ecologists found an amazing relationship between the different species that provides a new direction for understanding how ecosystems “hook up.”
Wildlife Corridors Benefit Plants As Well As Animals
Habitat fragmentation poses a widespread threat to biodiversity by disrupting the dispersal of organisms.
What Doesn’t Kill Us
When it comes to maintaining and accentuating the mind-boggling plant diversity of the Amazon rain forests, insects are a friend, not a foe, according to a new study. ' The point is that insect herbivores magnify the differences between the habitat.'
Common Western Weed Kills Competition
spotted knapweed – doesn't take over outside of its native ecology just by being leaner – it's also meaner.